Free Google Tools for site owners

As we all know, Google is the most powerful and effective search engine worldwide. We just can’t imagine our life without Google.
It provides you the answers to almost everything under the sun with a single click.
Google search is the backbone of Google’s business and processes 40,000 search queries every second. However, Google is a lot more than just a search engine.

 They also provide various free tools for marketers, developers, and other professionals to help them deliver the best results in their respective fields.
These free Google tools can help you:
  • Boost your SEO rankings.
  • Build brand awareness.
  • Engage more people with your brand.
  • Track and manage your brand reputation.
Let’s take a look at some of the best free Google tools and how they can help you enhance your productivity and engage more people with your brand.

1. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the perfect tool to help marketers make money from ads placed on blogs or websites. AdSense connects you with other advertisers who want to host ads on a channel that appeals to their audiences.
So, if you manage a website, blog, or video channel that matches the audiences of advertisers, then AdSense will place their ad on your channel. You simply need to place some code in header or sidebar of your website, and you can earn when someone clicks on them.

2. Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a free Google tool for marketers with the help of which you can run paid search campaigns.

3. Google Ads Keyword Planner

The Keyword Planner is a part of Google AdWords that enables marketers to plan their paid search campaigns. This is a great tool to help you identify keywords to target relevant audiences for your blog and website content.


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